The Bay Area Mural Program and Give Power have partnered for an upcoming green energy and art trip to Kenya, emphasizing the significance of diverse and inclusive solar installations in Africa and sustainability education for our own community. However, we need your support in order to achieve our goal.


Oakland is a city rich in culture, creativity, and resilience, yet it also faces challenges like energy inequality and a need for sustainable development. By sending these 10 artists from our community to Kenya, we are not only investing in their growth but also in the future of Oakland.

This program equips members of our community with the skills and knowledge to bring sustainability practices back to the Bay and to create sustainable public art that inspires and unites our community. Their experiences in Kenya will empower them to drive positive change at home, making Oakland greener and more vibrant. 


GivePower and BAMP, two leading nonprofits from the San Francisco Bay Area, have been collaborating on impactful projects since 2018. Our combined efforts have successfully brought art and solar power to Standing Rock, North Dakota, benefiting the remote community of Cannonball to this day. Now, our organizations are embarking on a new journey to Kenya, working on solar, learning valuable skills to empower these participants with the education for sustainability practices in their art and community..

This initiative focuses on the significance of diverse and inclusive solar installations across Africa. Join us as we bring sustainable energy solutions to empower local communities and create a brighter, more inclusive future.

Explore our inspiring journey and discover how you can support our mission. Together, we can make a lasting impact!


GivePower, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, implements clean water and energy systems in communities worldwide. With 2,650 solar power installations across 17 countries and underserved regions of the United States, GivePower empowers communities through sustainable solutions.

On October 24, 2024, the Bay Area Mural Program (BAMP) will join forces with GivePower Inc. for an impactful journey to Kenya. This collaboration will see 10 Bay Area BIPOC Artists travel to Africa for a cultural exchange, painting a mural and installing solar panels at a rural school.

  • We are seeking donations and sponsorships to reach our final goal for this project. Monetary donations, camping and other relevant and support are greatly appreciated.

    Your contribution directly supports the travel and accommodation costs for artists/volunteers from the Bay Area, enabling them to lend their talent and creativity to this transformative project, as well as the necessary materials.

    By donating today, you help fund not only solar installations but also cultural exchange and community enrichment in Kenya.


    How You Can Help:

    1. Donate: Every dollar counts towards covering travel expenses and project materials.

    2. Share: Spread the word on social media and encourage others to support this meaningful cause.

    3. Volunteer: If you're an artist or have skills to offer, consider joining the project as a volunteer.

    Together, we can make a lasting impact by bringing sustainable energy solutions and artistic expression to communities in need. Visit and to learn more and donate today!

    Let's illuminate lives and inspire change together. Thank you for your generosity and support!


Enhance GivePower’s trek program by providing financial aid specifically for promising young BIPOC Artists who may not otherwise be exposed to such opportunities. This initiative promises to significantly amplify the impact on all participants involved in the trek program.

By fostering diverse representation and inclusive participation, we aim to enrich cultural exchanges and broaden perspectives. This approach not only strengthens community engagement but also promotes equity and empowerment within global initiatives.

Embracing diversity in our trek programs ensures that the transformative power of giving back and cultural immersion is accessible to all, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Bringing back knowledge of sustainability to implement in their art and communities.






These Solar Trek opportunities are only available to privileged participant with access to generous donors. The experience of giving back is skewed to donor intentions. Financial barriers exclude youth and other marginalized groups to give back in equal ways. The impact cannot be fully appreciated until the benefit of giving back and cultural awareness can be fully realized by all.

Limited African American participation in US corporate treks to Africa is a concerning one. It highlights the need for increased diversity within the philanthropic sector and corporate initiatives. Addressing these disparities requires greater awareness, inclusivity, and efforts to provide equal opportunities.


GivePower is working with Bay Area Mural Program to create a partnership program that identifies and sponsors talented low-income African American artists for participation in corporate treks. This program will provide financial support for travel expenses and accommodations. Travelers as well as the Kenyan school participants will share and contribute to a rich life changing experience.


Involving African American artists in solar installations offers several benefits. The use of art can help when there is a language barrier. African Americans will be able to engage with Africans on the continent and exchange perspectives. Additionally, artists from the African Diaspora can help build trust and cooperation among residents, enhancing the long-term sustainability of energy projects. Empowering communities to take an active role in renewable energy initiatives can lead to got ter ownership and pride in sustainable development efforts locally and globally.


Help us build a Solar Station at a school in Kenya. Over 1 billion people currently live in water-scarce regions of the world. With GivePower’s revolutionary Solar Water Farm technology, $1 can provide access to an entire year of clean drinking water to someone in need. That means for just $20 you can help give clean water access to someone in need for up to 20 years.

This year, we are planning a cultural exchange that will take a group of talented young artists to Kenya. This trip is not just about painting murals; it’s a profound journey of connection and personal growth. The artists will engage with local Kenyan communities, learning about their culture and sharing their own experiences through collaborative mural projects. Furthermore, they will participate in a vital solar water project, bringing sustainable solutions to the areas we visit.

We still need to secure the $25,000 to cover all necessary expenses and ensure that our artists have the resources they need to succeed. Your support can help provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience to these artists and bring to life murals that will beautify communities and spark ongoing cultural exchange.

We believe in the power of art to transcend boundaries and invite you to join us in this meaningful journey. Please consider contributing to this cause and help us bridge worlds through creativity and shared understanding. You can make your donation through our website or the enclosed donation form. We would be honored to count you among the patrons who support not just the Bay Area Mural Program, but also the broader cause of fostering global connections through art.


Donation Levels and Benefits

Donations up to $100

• Recognition: Name listed on the campaign’s thank-you page on our website and in our newsletter.

• Updates: Regular email updates with photos and stories from the project.

Donations $100 to $500

• Event Invitations: Exclusive invitations to local exhibitions showcasing photos from the trip.

• Personalized Thank You: Personalized thank you card signed by the artists.

• Photo Print: High-quality photo print of a mural created during the Kenya project.

Donations $500 to $1,000

• Video Thank You: Personalized thank you video from the artists and participants.

• VIP Event Access: VIP access to special events and gala nights hosted by our organization.

Donations $1000- $5,000

• Named Sponsor: Opportunity to be named as an official sponsor on all promotional materials.

• Private Viewing: Invitation to a private viewing of the photo exhibition of the murals.

• Featured Photo Print: A framed, high-quality photo print of a signature mural from the project.

Bay Area Mural Program Inc. (BAMP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Oakland, California. All donations are tax-deductible.